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Cause Effect Response measure type Habitat Country Citation Modified
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Increase)
Total suspended sediment (TSS)
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Total phosphorus (TP)
R-squared - simple linear Artificial China Hou & Zhang, 2013 11-Apr-2022
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Total phosphorus (TP)
Water quality - oxygen (Increase)
Chemical Oxygen Demand (CODcr)
R-squared - simple linear Artificial China Hou & Zhang, 2013 11-Apr-2022
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Increase)
Total suspended sediment (TSS)
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Total nitrogen (TN)
R-squared - simple linear Artificial China Hou & Zhang, 2013 11-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Street density
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Total nitrogen in mean seasonal stormflow
F statistic/ratio Artificial United States Janke et al., 2013 11-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Street density
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Total phosphorus in mean seasonal stormflow
F statistic/ratio Artificial United States Janke et al., 2013 11-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Street density
Hydrology - surface flow (volume) (Increase)
Water yield
F statistic/ratio Artificial United States Janke et al., 2013 11-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Connected impervious cover
Hydrology - surface flow (volume) (Increase)
Water yield
F statistic/ratio Artificial United States Janke et al., 2013 11-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Street canopy fraction
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Stormflow TP (total phosphorus)
F statistic/ratio Artificial United States Janke et al., 2013 11-Apr-2022
Hydrology - surface flow (other)
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus)
Baseflow phosphorus concentrations were lower than stormwater (13 to 28% of mean stormflow TP)
F statistic/ratio Artificial United States Janke et al., 2013 11-Apr-2022
Hydrology - surface flow (other)
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen)
Nitrogen concentrations in baseflow runoff was variable among sites. TN concentrations were similar between stormflow and baseflow events (mean difference 21%).
F statistic/ratio Artificial United States Janke et al., 2013 11-Apr-2022
Sediment quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Phosphorus input to the highly urbanised watershed
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Phosphorus output via stormwater drains. The study found that phosphorus retention in the watershed was small (average 22%) and the P output was positively correlated with the P input.
Other Stream/river United States Hobbie et al., 2017 09-Apr-2022
Atmospheric deposition
Sediment quality - nutrients (nitrogen)
Nitrogen input to the watershed. This study found that atmospheric deposition input the second most nitrogen into the watershed over the 7 catchments (contributing 19-34% of N inputs)
Other Stream/river United States Hobbie et al., 2017 09-Apr-2022
Atmospheric deposition
Sediment quality - nutrients (phosphorus)
Phosphorus input to the watershed. This study found that atmospheric deposition input the second most phosphorus into the watershed over the 7 catchments (contributing 13-33% of P inputs)
Other Stream/river United States Hobbie et al., 2017 09-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Household pet waste
Sediment quality - nutrients (phosphorus)
Phosphorus input to the watershed. This study found that household pet waste input the most phosphorus into the watershed over the 7 catchments (contributing up to 76% of P inputs)
Other Stream/river United States Hobbie et al., 2017 09-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Residential fertilizer
Sediment quality - nutrients (nitrogen)
Nitrogen input to the watershed. This study found that residential fertiliser input the most nitrogen into the watershed over the 7 catchments (ranging from 37% to 59% of total N inputs)
Other Stream/river United States Hobbie et al., 2017 09-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - agriculture (Increase)
Forage stream buffer
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Decrease)
Total dissolved nitrogen and Total nitrogen
Ordination Stream/river Canada Thomas et al., 2018 09-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - agriculture (Increase)
Forage entire stream buffer
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Total dissolved phosphorus and Total phosphorus
Ordination Stream/river Canada Thomas et al., 2018 09-Apr-2022
Effluent - sewage (Increase)
Sewage treatment plant population density
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Total dissolved phosphorus and Total phosphorus
Ordination Stream/river Canada Thomas et al., 2018 09-Apr-2022
Effluent - sewage (Increase)
Sewage treatment plant population density
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Total dissolved nitrogen and Total nitrogen
Ordination Stream/river Canada Thomas et al., 2018 09-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Imperviousness of the watershed
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Total dissolved nitrogen and Total nitrogen
Ordination Stream/river Canada Thomas et al., 2018 09-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - other (Decrease)
Pervious headwater buffer
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Total dissolved nitrogen and Total nitrogen
Ordination Stream/river Canada Thomas et al., 2018 09-Apr-2022
Water quality - pH (Decrease)
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Increased Total Phosphorus (TP) and Particulate Phosphorus (PP)
Pearson correlation coefficient Artificial China Zhou et al., 2013 09-Apr-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Change)
Different source areas - main road, parking lot, community road, roof, lawn and at a stormwater outlet.
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Change)
Changed Total Phosphorus (TP) and Particulate Phosphorus (PP). Main road runoff had the highest TP and PP event mean concentrations (EMCs) (2.5 and 2.43mg/L respectively). The lowest TP and PP EMCs was in the roof runoff.
Other Artificial China Zhou et al., 2013 09-Apr-2022
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Increase)
Increased Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Increased Total Phosphorus (TP) and Particulate Phosphorus (PP)
Pearson correlation coefficient Artificial China Zhou et al., 2013 09-Apr-2022
Habitat (physical alteration)
Combined media filtration process with micro-flocculation
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
The combined process achieved a 97.3% removal efficiency for particulate phosphorus and 97.4% removal efficiency for dissolved phosphorus. This was compared with a media filtration only removal which achieved 71.8% particulate removal efficiency for particulate phosphorus and 25.6% removal efficiency of dissolved phosphorus. By the addition of micro-flocculation, the removal efficiency improved by 25.5% for particulate phosphorus and 71.8% for dissolved phosphorus.
Mean difference Artificial South Korea Lee et al., 2021 17-Mar-2022
Habitat (physical alteration)
Volumetric Clarifying Filter (VCF)
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Phosphorus fraction. All phosphorus fractions (settleable, sediment, dissolved) and thus total phosphorus were significantly reduced from influent to effluent from the VCF.
Other Artificial United States Sansalone et al., 2010 16-Mar-2022
Water quality - pH (Increase)
Increased pH between 6 and 8.5
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Change)
Change in phosphorus speciation. The dominant species found in the stormwater was orthophosphates and it was found to be largely driven by the pH - as pH increased, so too did the orthophosphate presence.
Other Artificial United States Berretta & Sansalone, 2011 16-Mar-2022
Water quality - oxygen (Change)
Dissolved chemical oxygen demand (DCOD)
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Change)
Dissolved total nitrogen (DTN). The study showed that DCOD was strongly correlated with dissolved total nitrogen in roof runoff (r=0.859)but not in road runoff (r=0.260).
Pearson correlation coefficient Artificial China Wei et al., 2013 16-Mar-2022
Water quality - oxygen (Change)
Dissolved chemical oxygen demand (DCOD)
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Change)
Dissolved total phosphorus (DTP). The study showed that DCOD was strongly correlated with dissolved total phosphorus in roof runoff (r=0.821)but not in road runoff (r=0.522).
Pearson correlation coefficient Artificial China Wei et al., 2013 16-Mar-2022
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Change)
Total suspended solids
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Change)
Particulate total phosphorus. The study showed that TSS was strongly correlated with particulate total phosphorus.
Pearson correlation coefficient Artificial China Wei et al., 2013 16-Mar-2022
Plants (riparian)
Sunken lawn infiltration systems planted with two species (Poa pratensis and Lolium perenne)
Water quality - oxygen (Decrease)
The effluent from the two planted systems had a higher removal efficiency of Chemical oxygen demand (COD) than the soil only treatment system. The removal efficiency of Poa pratensis was 81.74+/-6.00%, Lolium perenne was 76.13+/- 7.97% and soil only was 59.93+-2.2%.
Mean difference Artificial China Hou et al., 2013 16-Mar-2022
Plants (riparian)
Sunken lawn infiltration systems planted with two species (Poa pratensis and Lolium perenne)
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Decrease)
The effluent from the two planted systems had a higher removal efficiency of nitrogen than the soil only treatment system. The removal efficiency of Poa pratensis was 74.04+/-17.67%, Lolium perenne was 59.24+/-15.84% and soil only was 20.56+-14.74%. The nitrogen removal was suggested to be due to nitrification and denitrification.
Mean difference Artificial China Hou et al., 2013 16-Mar-2022
Plants (riparian)
Sunken lawn infiltration systems planted with two species (Poa pratensis and Lolium perenne)
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
The effluent from the two planted systems had a higher removal efficiency of total phosphorus (TP) than the soil only treatment system. The removal efficiency of Poa pratensis was 80.12+/-9.45%, Lolium perenne was 71.54+/-13.83% and soil only was 50.17+-18.95%.
Mean difference Artificial China Hou et al., 2013 16-Mar-2022
Sediment quality - metals (Increase)
Increased iron filings in a sand filtration system. The study investigated the impact of 0%, 0.3%, 2% and 5% iron filings in sand filtration media.
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Decreased phosphate in outflow. The study found that an increased percentage of iron filings resulted in greater capture of phosphate within the sand media. An average of 88% of phosphates were captured with 5% iron filings in the media, 79% with 2% iron filings and 18% with 0.3% iron filings. The control treatment of sand media only showed an increase in phosphates from influent to effluent which the authors explain as a phosphate release from the media.
Other Artificial United States Erickson et al., 2012 16-Mar-2022
Sediment quality - metals (Increase)
Increased iron filings in a sand filtration system. The study investigated the impact of 0%, 0.3%, 2% and 5% iron filings in sand filtration media.
Sediment quality - other (No change)
Hydraulic conductivity - the incorporation of iron filings and the increased capture of phosphates onto the iron filings was found to have no significant effect on hydraulic conductivity of the media.
Other Artificial United States Erickson et al., 2012 16-Mar-2022
Plants (riparian) - other (Decrease)
Decreased leaf litter on ground due to manual leaf removal.
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Decrease)
Dissolved nitrogen and total nitrogen were significantly reduced in the fall by 71% and 74% respectively in the presence of an active leaf removal program. The program also resulted in significant removal during Spring for both TN (52%) and DN (44%).
Other Other United States Selbig, 2016 14-Mar-2022
Plants (riparian) - other (Decrease)
Decreased leaf litter on ground due to manual leaf removal.
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Dissolved phosphorus and total phosphorus were significantly reduced in the fall by 83% and 84% respectively in the presence of an active leaf removal program. The program also resulted in significant removal during Spring for both TP (45%) and DP (51%) and removal during Summer of TP (36%) (but not DP).
Other Other United States Selbig, 2016 14-Mar-2022
Hydrology - other
Water quality - nutrients (other) (Increase)
The energy from rainfall was shown to have an effect on pollutant loads in runoff, attributed to the energy in rainfall causing pollutants to be dislodged from the surface. The experiment compared a surface affected by rainfall and runoff with a surface only affected by runoff and found rainfall to have a notable impact on the pollutant wash-off loads. Note that no statistical result was stated in the paper to evaluate this relationship or determine effect size/significance.
Other Artificial Australia Vaze & Chiew, 2003 02-Mar-2022
Hydrology - surface flow (timing) (Increase)
Increasing storm duration
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Decrease)
The TSS concentration was highest at the start of the simulated runoff and decreased over time.
Other Artificial Australia Vaze & Chiew, 2003 02-Mar-2022
Hydrology - surface flow (timing) (Increase)
Increasing storm duration
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
The TP concentration was highest at the start of the simulated runoff and decreased over time.
Other Artificial Australia Vaze & Chiew, 2003 02-Mar-2022
Hydrology - surface flow (timing) (Increase)
Increasing storm duration
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Decrease)
The TN concentration was highest at the start of the simulated runoff and decreased over time.
Other Artificial Australia Vaze & Chiew, 2003 02-Mar-2022
Habitat (physical characteristics)
Urban trees in landscape compared with turfgrass
Sediment quality - nutrients (nitrogen)
The data from this study did not provide a clear answer on whether urban trees decrease nitrogen leaching compared with turfgrass. The difference varied between an increase and decrease across the time series.
Other Other United States Nidzgorski & Hobbie, 2016 02-Mar-2022
Habitat (physical characteristics)
Urban trees in landscape compared with turfgrass
Sediment quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Urban trees were found to have lower soil water phosphorus concentrations than open turfgrass areas. Deciduous trees had the lowest phosphorus concentrations, followed by evergreens and then turfgrass.
Other Other United States Nidzgorski & Hobbie, 2016 02-Mar-2022
Hydrology - surface flow (other) (Increase)
Duration of rain event
Water quality - nutrients (other) (Decrease)
Concentrations of Total nitrogen (TN) and Total phosphorus (TP) were found to be high at the start of rain events in the study and decreased sharply with increased duration of rain event.
F statistic/ratio Artificial China Yufen et al., 2008 02-Mar-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Change)
Different surface types assessed - lawn, roads, roofs
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (No change)
Total nitrogen (TN) was not significantly different in runoff from the different surface types.
F statistic/ratio Artificial China Yufen et al., 2008 02-Mar-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Change)
Different surface types assessed - lawn, roads, roofs
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Change)
Total phosphorus (TP) in runoff from lawns and roads was significantly higher than in roof runoff.
F statistic/ratio Artificial China Yufen et al., 2008 02-Mar-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Change)
Different surface types assessed - lawn, roads, roofs
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Change)
TSS in runoff from lawns and roads was significantly higher than in roof runoff.
F statistic/ratio Artificial China Yufen et al., 2008 02-Mar-2022
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Increase)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - metals (Increase)
Total metals (Mn, Co, Ni and Cu) increased with increasing imperviousness.
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland Valtanen et al., 2014 02-Mar-2022
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Increase)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - organic matter
No correlation between imperviousness and total organic carbon was identified with lowest concentration of TOC identified in the intermediate catchment and highest in the High catchment.
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland Valtanen et al., 2014 02-Mar-2022
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Increase)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Increase)
Total suspended solids increased with increasing imperviousness.
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland Valtanen et al., 2014 02-Mar-2022
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Decrease)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Change)
Total phosphorus was equal across the intermediate and high imperviousness catchments but twice as high in the low imperviousness catchment
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland Valtanen et al., 2014 02-Mar-2022
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Increase)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Total nitrogen in runoff increased with catchment impervious percentage.
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland Valtanen et al., 2014 02-Mar-2022
Sediment quality - other
Particle size
Sediment quality - nutrients (phosphorus)
Highest total phosphorus load is associated with the particle size 75 to 150 micrometres for industrial and commercial road surfaces.
Mean difference Artificial Australia Miguntanna et al., 2010 01-Mar-2022
Sediment quality - other
Particle size
Sediment quality - nutrients (nitrogen)
Highest total nitrogen load is associated with the particle size 75 to 150 micrometres for all road surface types.
Mean difference Artificial Australia Miguntanna et al., 2010 01-Mar-2022
Sediment quality - other
Particle size
Water quality - organic matter
Total organic carbon. Highest amount of TOC was correlated with a particle size 75-150micrometers. Most TOC is associated with particle sizes less than 150micrometers.
Mean difference Artificial Australia Miguntanna et al., 2010 01-Mar-2022
Land use/land cover - urban (Change)
Type of land use - industrial, residential, commercial
Sediment quality - other (Change)
Total solids load. This study found the total solids load collected from the road was different for different land uses. TS load on residential road surface was lowest and TS load on commercial road was highest.
Mean difference Artificial Australia Miguntanna et al., 2010 01-Mar-2022
Hydrology - other (Increase)
Rainfall duration
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Increased particulate organic nitrogen
Mean difference Artificial United States Jani et al., 2020 01-Mar-2022
Hydrology - other (Increase)
Rainfall volume
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Increased particulate organic nitrogen
Mean difference Artificial United States Jani et al., 2020 01-Mar-2022
Hydrology - other (Increase)
Increased antecedent dry days
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Increased particulate organic nitrogen
Mean difference Artificial United States Jani et al., 2020 01-Mar-2022
Hydrology - other (Increase)
Rainfall intensity
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Increased dissolved organic nitrogen
Mean difference Artificial United States Jani et al., 2020 01-Mar-2022
Hydrology - other (Increase)
Increased duration of rainfall
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Increased dissolved inorganic nitrogen
Mean difference Artificial United States Jani et al., 2020 01-Mar-2022
Hydrology - other (Increase)
Increased antecedent dry period
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Increased dissolved inorganic nitrogen
Mean difference Artificial United States Jani et al., 2020 01-Mar-2022
Hydrology - other (Increase)
Increased total rainfall
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Increased dissolved inorganic nitrogen
Mean difference Artificial United States Jani et al., 2020 01-Mar-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Irrigation of lawn surfaces in a residential catchment.
Water quality - suspended material/sediment
Total suspended solids concentration at outlet pipe of residential catchment. Higher concentrations of TSS often occurred with use of reclaimed water for irrigation and lower with municipal water.
Other Artificial United States Toor et al., 2017 16-Feb-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Irrigation of lawn surfaces in a residential catchment.
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus)
Concentration of phosphorus at residential stormwater outlet pipe. Phosphorus concentration was generally lower at times when municipal water was used for irrigation within the catchment and higher when reclaimed water was used for irrigation. During the study, an event was recorded which resulted in a significant increase in TP which the author suggests was due to a substantial wetting event causing particulates to be flushed off.
Other Artificial United States Toor et al., 2017 16-Feb-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Irrigation of lawn surfaces in a residential catchment
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen)
Concentration of nitrogen at outlet pipe. Nitrogen concentration was lowest at times when municipal water was used for irrigation within the catchment and highest when reclaimed water was used for irrigation.
Other Artificial United States Toor et al., 2017 16-Feb-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Green roof
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Increase)
The green roof resulted in higher total solids concentration in the runoff collected.
Mean difference Artificial United States Carpenter & Kaluvakolanu, 2011 16-Feb-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Green roof
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
The nitrogen concentrations from the runoff collected from the green roof were lower than the stone roof, but slightly higher than the control asphalt roof.
Mean difference Artificial United States Carpenter & Kaluvakolanu, 2011 16-Feb-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Green roof
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
The total phosphate concentrations from the runoff collected from the green roof were lower than the asphalt and stone roofs
Mean difference Artificial United States Carpenter & Kaluvakolanu, 2011 16-Feb-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Green roof
Hydrology - surface flow (volume) (Decrease)
Retention of stormwater at source. Study found that both a green roof and stone roof were effective in reducing runoff volume through the attenuation of flow. The green roof achieved a 68.25% rainfall volume reduction throughout the study.
Mean difference Artificial United States Carpenter & Kaluvakolanu, 2011 16-Feb-2022
Hydrology - surface flow (volume) (Increase)
Water quality - nutrients (other) (Increase)
A first flush effect was observed for most pollutants studied (TP, NH4, TSS, COD) during heavy rainfall recorded in this study. No first flush was observed during the lighter rainfall recorded in the study. Study concludes that the rainfall intensity was an important factor in pollutant wash off.
Pearson correlation coefficient Other China Liu et al., 2019 16-Feb-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Different land use types - arterial road, residential road, industrial area
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus)
Total phosphorus - This study found that TP in runoff was positively correlated with population, pedestrian volume and traffic flow volume.
Pearson correlation coefficient Other China Liu et al., 2019 16-Feb-2022
Land use/land cover - urban
Different land use types - arterial road, residential road, industrial area
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen)
NH4 (ammonium) - This study found that NH4 in runoff was positively correlated with population, pedestrian volume and traffic flow volume.
Pearson correlation coefficient Other China Liu et al., 2019 16-Feb-2022
Plants (aquatic)
Floating constructed treatment wetland with two macrophyte species (Phragmites australis and Canna indica)
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Phosphorus was removed from water with the presence of the floating wetland species. Paper suggests phosphorus removal was through filtration-sedimentation processes. No test statistics were supplied.
Other Artificial Bangladesh Saeed et al., 2016 15-Feb-2022
Plants (aquatic)
Floating constructed treatment wetland with two macrophyte species (Phragmites australis and Canna indica)
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Decrease)
Nitrogen was removed from water with the presence of the floating wetland species. Paper suggests nitrogen removal was through nitrification-denitrification processes. No test statistics were supplied.
Other Artificial Bangladesh Saeed et al., 2016 15-Feb-2022
Plants (aquatic)
Floating treatment wetlands
Water quality - metals (Decrease)
Reduction of zinc from water. Zinc removal varied across treatments but all were lower than the control which was negligible. Less than 40% Zn reduction was achieved by any treatment.
Mean difference Artificial New Zealand Tanner & Headley, 2011 15-Feb-2022
Plants (aquatic)
Floating treatment wetlands
Water quality - metals (Decrease)
Reduction of copper from water. The presence of planted floating mats significantly improved removal of copper from the synthetic stormwater. Planted treatments resulted in 65-75% reduction in total Cu concentrations after 7 days. The synthetic root treatment acheived Cu reduction of 50% after 7 days whilst the floating mat with soil media and floating mat treatments achieved 43% and 30% reduction respectively. Little change was seen in the control.
Mean difference Artificial New Zealand Tanner & Headley, 2011 15-Feb-2022
Plants (aquatic)
Floating treatment wetlands
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Reduction of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) from water. The presence of planted floating mats (in the presence of fine suspended solids) significantly improved removal of phosphorus from the synthetic stormwater. Removal rates ranged from 30% to 60% of DRP and 58% TP after 7 days for planted treatments.
Mean difference Artificial New Zealand Tanner & Headley, 2011 15-Feb-2022
Plants (aquatic)
Implementation of wetland plants to fresh water system
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Reduced phosphorus in water through phosphorus phytoremediation
R-squared - simple linear Lake/pond United States Chapman & Boucher, 2020 31-Jan-2022
Plants (aquatic)
Plants in floating treatment wetlands
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Decrease)
Removal of nitrogen from water.
F statistic/ratio Artificial United States Spangler et al., 2019 31-Jan-2022
Plants (aquatic)
Plants in floating treatment wetlands
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Removal of phosphorus from water.
F statistic/ratio Artificial United States Spangler et al., 2019 31-Jan-2022
Effluent - sewage
Attenuation of phosphorus from septic tank effluent within soil
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Adsorption of phosphorus in soil results in removal of phosphorus prior to discharge to environment
Other Artificial United Kingdom Richards et al., 2017 24-Jan-2022
Habitat (physical alteration) - other
Bioretention basin
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Decrease)
Mean difference Artificial Australia Bonneau et al., 2020 21-Jan-2022
Habitat (physical alteration) - other
Bioretention basin
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Mean difference Artificial Australia Bonneau et al., 2020 21-Jan-2022
Habitat (physical alteration) - other
Bioretention basin
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Decrease)
Mean difference Artificial Australia Bonneau et al., 2020 21-Jan-2022
Habitat (physical alteration) - other
Bioretention basin
Hydrology - surface flow (other) (Decrease)
The peak flows from rainfall events were reduced
Mean difference Artificial Australia Bonneau et al., 2020 21-Jan-2022
Sediment quality - nutrients (phosphorus)
Extractable soil phosphorus in soil under turf grass areas
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus)
Dissolved reactive phosphorus concentration in runoff from turf grass areas
R-squared - simple linear Other United States Soldat et al., 2008 21-Jan-2022
Water quality - major ions (total) (Increase)
Elevated stream salinity - the amount of inorganic salts dissolved in water i.e. increased salt concentrations (as measured by continuous measurements of electrical conductivity (EC) and periodic measurements of chloride concentrations) in streams.
Invertebrates - community structure (Change)
Stream macroinvertebrate community composition differed at sites receiving run-off from road salting activities near Perisher. Abundances of Oligochaeta (worms) (up to 11-fold), Dugesiidae (flat worms) (up to fourfold), and Aphroteniinae (chironomids) (up to 14-fold) increased, whereas Leptophlebiidae (mayflies) decreased by up to 100% compared with non-salted sites. Considering all sites separately, i.e., not as site-pairs, permutational ANOSIM demonstrated a small, but statistically significant difference in the macroinvertebrate assemblage structure at sites receiving salt runoff (salted sites) and those sites not receiving salt runoff (unsalted sites) (R = 0.167; p = 0.007).
Spearman correlation coefficient Stream/river Australia Shenton et al., 2021 14-Dec-2021
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Phytoplankton - abundance (Increase)
Chlorophyll a concentration
R-squared - simple linear Stream/river United Kingdom Ernstberger et al., 2004 06-Nov-2021
Hydrology - surface flow (variability) (Decrease)
Small dams cause a decrease in flow variability, removing a lot of the flow fluctuations downstream, although they do not prevent large floods that over-top the structures.
Plants (riparian) - richness (Increase)
There was a greater number of plant species found within the channel (but not looking at aquatic plants) in the sites downstream of dams. This was mostly driven by a greater number of 'dry' life history specialists and greater number of grass taxa.
F statistic/ratio Stream/river Australia GREET et al., 2011 04-Oct-2021
Effluent - mining (Increase)
Connection of the mining effluent to the river, which is enumerated by conductivity and dissolved Se.
Fish - richness (Decrease)
Measures of taxonomic diversity (species richness, abundance, Shannon diversity) and functional diversity (functional richness, functional evenness, functional divergence)
Mean difference Stream/river United States Hitt & Chambers, 2014 02-Oct-2021
Effluent - mining (Increase)
Connection of the mining effluent to the river, which is enumerated by conductivity and dissolved Se.
Fish - richness (Decrease)
Measures of taxonomic diversity (species richness, abundance, Shannon diversity) and functional diversity (functional richness, functional evenness, functional divergence)
Other Stream/river United States Hitt & Chambers, 2014 02-Oct-2021
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Phytoplankton - abundance (Increase)
Chlorophyll a concentration
R-squared - simple linear Stream/river United Kingdom Ernstberger et al., 2004 27-Aug-2021
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Phytoplankton - abundance (Increase)
Chlorophyll a concentration
R-squared - simple linear Stream/river United Kingdom Ernstberger et al., 2004 26-Aug-2021
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Cyanobacteria - biovolume (Increase)
Slope coefficient (beta) Lake/pond United States Rigosi et al., 2014 24-Aug-2021
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Cyanobacteria - biovolume (Increase)
Slope coefficient (beta) Lake/pond United States Rigosi et al., 2014 24-Aug-2021
Fish - abundance (Increase)
test entry - Fish abundance
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
test entry
F statistic/ratio Stream/river Australia J Boggs, 2020 17-Oct-2020
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Urban density, estimated by % imperviousness.
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Total phosphorus, event flows
Pearson correlation coefficient Stream/river Australia Hatt et al., 2004 07-Oct-2020
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Connection of the catchment to the stormwater system, which is enumerated by proximity
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
filterable reactive phosphorous in event flows
Pearson correlation coefficient Stream/river Australia Hatt et al., 2004 07-Oct-2020
Land use/land cover - agriculture (Increase)
Percentage of catchment used for pasture (grazing) ranging from 1 to 83%
Water quality - organic matter (Increase)
Fluorescence Index (FI), which indicates the source of DOM. Generally, lower values indicate terrestrial sources and higher values indicate in-stream sources.
Slope coefficient (beta) Stream/river Australia Giling et al., 2013 01-Sep-2020
Algae - community structure (Increase)
Algae - biomass (Decrease)
Response ratio Lake/pond Azerbaijjan Giling et al., 2013 27-May-2020
Algae - abundance (Change)
Algae - biovolume (Change)
Other Artificial United States Lee et al., 2019 30-Apr-2020
Algae - biovolume (Increase)
Algae - other (Decrease)
R-squared - other Floodplain Australia Giling et al., 2013 30-Apr-2020
Algae - growth
Algae - mortality
F statistic/ratio Floodplain Australia Ernstberger et al., 2004 30-Apr-2020
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Change)
Total phosphorus
Algae - community structure (Change)
Diatom assemblage composition in multi-metric space, exclusively selecting taxa with variation explained by total phosphorus according to random forest analysis.
R-squared - other Stream/river United States Lee et al., 2019 30-Apr-2020
Sediment quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
First term has a lot of autofill entries. Can we have a category filter beforehand? or mention that things are listed categorically in the note?
Algae - abundance (Increase)
See above description
Pearson correlation coefficient Artificial United States washington, irving - how to separate multiple authors? commas? semi colons? other formatting recommendations?, 1099 30-Apr-2020
Amphibians - abundance
Amphibians - abundance
Ordination Marine Bangladesh Smith, 2010 30-Apr-2020
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Decrease)
Amphibians - condition
Spearman correlation coefficient Stream/river United States KS Test, 1977 30-Apr-2020
Hydrology - flooding (frequency)
Algae - mortality
R-squared - multiple Stream/river United States Schoache, 2020 30-Apr-2020
Hydrology - surface flow (velocity) (Increase)
Water velocity was higher downstream of the dam than in the tail waters of the weirpools where the upstream samples were taken.
Ecosystem function - gross/net primary production (Decrease)
Gross primary production, as measured using the BASE method employing in situ oxygen probes
F statistic/ratio Stream/river Australia Tester, A, 2020 28-Apr-2020
Hydrology - surface flow (volume) (Decrease)
They used weirs and diversions to remove water from the natural channels of 3 small streams for 1 mo . After this time, they removed the weirs and restored natural flow patterns to the streams until the following summer.
EPT taxa - richness (Decrease)
percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera (EPT) individuals
F statistic/ratio Stream/river New Zealand Zoe S. Dewson, Alexander B. W. James, Russell G. Death, 2007 10-Mar-2020
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Change)
Diatoms - community structure (Change)
Ordination Stream/river United States Test, 2019 12-Feb-2020
Water quality (Decrease)
The cause has been assumed that water quality is reduced inside of pleasure boat marinas. Another way of characterising this could be a development increase, but no options for this so far
Invertebrates - abundance
For this example, just talking about abundance of polychaete worms. These were in greater abundances inside the marina
F statistic/ratio Estuary Australia Webb & Keough, 2000 11-Feb-2020
Hydrology - surface flow (other) (Increase)
Amount of water movement inside and outside marinas. Although not quantified directly, there was minimal movement of water inside the marinas.
Water quality - metals (Increase)
The amount of metal accumulated in the DGT sampler over two one-month deployments, one in summer and one in winter. This result is for Cu
Other Estuary Australia Webb & Keough, 2002 11-Feb-2020
Other (Increase)
Pain decreased with GFH therapy
Other Other Australia Webb et al., 2007 23-May-2019
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Lots more nitrogen from cropping in the area
Crayfish - abundance (Decrease)
Not catching many freshwater crays in monitoring work
Response ratio Stream/river Australia Test, 2019 07-May-2019