Capturing phosphates with iron enhanced sand filtration on 15 Mar 2022
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Erickson, A. J., Gulliver, J. S., & Weiss, P. T.
Capturing phosphates with iron enhanced sand filtration
Water Research

Most treatment practices for urban runoff capture pollutants such as phosphorus by either settling or filtration while dissolved phosphorus, typically as phosphates, is untreated. Dissolved phosphorus, however, represents an average 45% of total phosphorus in stormwater runoff and can be more than 95%. In this study, a new stormwater treatment technology to capture phosphate, called the Minnesota Filter, is introduced. The filter comprises iron filings mixed with sand and is tested for phosphate removal from synthetic stormwater. Results indicate that sand mixed with 5% iron filings captures an average of 88% phosphate for at least 200 m of treated depth, which is significantly greater than a sand filter without iron filings. Neither incorporation of iron filings into a sand filter nor capture of phosphates onto iron filings in column experiments had a significant effect on the hydraulic conductivity of the filter at mixtures of 5% or less iron by weight. Field applications with up to 10.7% iron were operated over 1 year without detrimental effects upon hydraulic conductivity. A model is applied and fit to column studies to predict the field performance of iron-enhanced sand filters. The model predictions are verified through the predicted performance of the filters in removing phosphates in field applications. Practical applications of the technology, both existing and proposed, are presented so stormwater managers can begin implementation.


Cause Effect Response measure type Habitat Country Modified
Sediment quality - metals (Increase)
Increased iron filings in a sand filtration system. The study investigated the impact of 0%, 0.3%, 2% and 5% iron filings in sand filtration media.
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Decreased phosphate in outflow. The study found that an increased percentage of iron filings resulted in greater capture of phosphate within the sand media. An average of 88% of phosphates were captured with 5% iron filings in the media, 79% with 2% iron filings and 18% with 0.3% iron filings. The control treatment of sand media only showed an increase in phosphates from influent to effluent which the authors explain as a phosphate release from the media.
Other Artificial United States 16-Mar-2022
Sediment quality - metals (Increase)
Increased iron filings in a sand filtration system. The study investigated the impact of 0%, 0.3%, 2% and 5% iron filings in sand filtration media.
Sediment quality - other (No change)
Hydraulic conductivity - the incorporation of iron filings and the increased capture of phosphates onto the iron filings was found to have no significant effect on hydraulic conductivity of the media.
Other Artificial United States 16-Mar-2022