Measurement of environmental trace-metal levels with transplanted mussels and diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT): a comparison of techniques

16 Aug 2021
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Webb, J. A., & Keough, M. J.
Measurement of environmental trace-metal levels with transplanted mussels and diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT): a comparison of techniques
Marine Pollution Bulletin


Cause Effect Response measure type Habitat Country Modified
Hydrology - surface flow (other) (Increase)
Amount of water movement inside and outside marinas. Although not quantified directly, there was minimal movement of water inside the marinas.
Water quality - metals (Increase)
The amount of metal accumulated in the DGT sampler over two one-month deployments, one in summer and one in winter. This result is for Cu
Other Estuary Australia 11-Feb-2020