The Effects of Urbanization on Runoff Pollutant Concentrations, Loadings and Their Seasonal Patterns Under Cold Climate on 02 Mar 2022
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Valtanen, M., Sillanpää, N., & Setälä, H.
The Effects of Urbanization on Runoff Pollutant Concentrations, Loadings and Their Seasonal Patterns Under Cold Climate
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution

The effects of urbanization on runoff pollutant concentrations and pollutant loading were studied in three urban catchments of varying imperviousness and land use type in the city of Lahti, Finland. Imperviousness of the catchments were 19 % (“Low”), 62%(“Intermediate”) and 89% (“High”). During the 2- year study period, runoff quantity was measured continuously and samples were taken for water quality analysis. Besides imperviousness, land use type strongly affected pollutant concentrations: differences in total phosphorus (tot-P), Al, Cr, Zn and Pb concentrations were observed especially between the city centre catchments (High and Intermediate) and the residential catchment (Low), while total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (tot-N), Mn, Co, Ni and Cu concentrations increased with increasing imperviousness. As for pollutant loads, imperviousness was strongly related to TSS, tot-P, Al, Mn, Zn, Cr, Co, Ni and Cu export. The effects of urbanization on runoff quality were season dependent: urbanization increased runoff volumes and, hence, pollutant loads, especially during warm seasons. Still, highest pollutant export in the catchments occurred during spring. Nevertheless, the warm period produced comparable loads to spring at the city centre catchments. Pollutant concentrations, especially in the city centre catchments, exceeded thresholds set for surface waters, indicating a need for runoff treatment in water quality protection.


Cause Effect Response measure type Habitat Country Modified
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Increase)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - metals (Increase)
Total metals (Mn, Co, Ni and Cu) increased with increasing imperviousness.
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland 02-Mar-2022
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Increase)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - organic matter
No correlation between imperviousness and total organic carbon was identified with lowest concentration of TOC identified in the intermediate catchment and highest in the High catchment.
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland 02-Mar-2022
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Increase)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - suspended material/sediment (Increase)
Total suspended solids increased with increasing imperviousness.
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland 02-Mar-2022
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Decrease)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Change)
Total phosphorus was equal across the intermediate and high imperviousness catchments but twice as high in the low imperviousness catchment
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland 02-Mar-2022
Surface runoff - impervious surfaces (Increase)
Impervious surfaces. 3 catchments were assessed with differing imperviousness - Low: 19%, Intermediate: 62%, High: 89%
Water quality - nutrients (nitrogen) (Increase)
Total nitrogen in runoff increased with catchment impervious percentage.
Spearman correlation coefficient Artificial Finland 02-Mar-2022