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Reference (APA-style) Evidence Modified
Test, T. T. (2019). Test paper. Test journal. 2 24-Aug-2021
Webb, J. A., & Keough, M. J. (2000). Effects of two marinas on the composition of fouling assemblages. Biofouling. 1 17-Aug-2021
Ernstberger, H., Edwards, A., & Balls, P. (2004). The distribution of phosphorus between soluble and particulate phases for seven Scottish East Coast rivers. Biogeochemistry. 4 16-Aug-2021
Salafsky, N., Boshoven, J., Burivalova, Z., Dubois, N. S., Gomez, A., Johnson, A., Lee, A., Margoluis, R., Morrison, J., Muir, M., Pratt, S. C., Pullin, A. S., Salzer, D., Stewart, A., Sutherland, W. J., & Wordley, C. F. R. (2019). Defining and using evidence in conservation practice. Conservation Science and Practice. 0 16-Aug-2021
Smith (2010). Title. Freshwater Science. 1 08-May-2019
Norris et al. (2012). Eco Evidence Paper. Freshwater Science. 0 08-May-2019
Webb, A. N., Kukuruzovic, R., Catto-Smith, A. G., & Sawyer, S. M. (2007). Hypnotherapy for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 1 16-Aug-2021
Webb, J. A., & Keough, M. J. (2002). Measurement of environmental trace-metal levels with transplanted mussels and diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT): a comparison of techniques. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 1 16-Aug-2021
Zoe S. Dewson, Alexander B. W. James, Russell G. Death (2007). Invertebrate community responses to experimentally reduced discharge in small streams of different water quality. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc.. 1 10-Mar-2020
Giling, D. P., Grace, M. R., Thomson, J. R., Mac Nally, R., & Thompson, R. M. (2013). Effect of Native Vegetation Loss on Stream Ecosystem Processes: Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Export in Agricultural Landscapes. Ecosystems. 3 16-Aug-2021
Tester, A (2020). Made up title. Made up journal. 1 28-Apr-2020
Schoache, K. (2020). EcoEvidEx in a socially distanced world. Journal of Social Distancing. 1 24-Aug-2021
washington, irving - how to separate multiple authors? commas? semi colons? other formatting recommendations? (1099). Testing. The Testing Journal. 1 30-Apr-2020
Lee et al. (2019). Taxonomic harmonization may reveal a stronger association between diatom assemblages and total phosphorus in large datasets. Ecological Indicators. 2 30-Apr-2020
Hatt, B., Fletcher, T. D., & Walsh, C. J. (2004). The influence of urban density and drainage infrastructure on the concentrations and loads of pollutants in small streams. Environmental Management. 2 04-Oct-2021
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Rigosi, A., Carey, C. C., Ibelings, B. W., & Brookes, J. D. (2014). The interaction between climate warming and eutrophication to promote cyanobacteria is dependent on trophic state and varies among taxa. Limnology and Oceanography. 2 06-Nov-2021
Harbott, E. L., Grace, M. R., Webb, J. A., & Hart, B. T. (2005). Small-scale temporal variation and the effect of urbanisation on extracellular enzyme activity in streams. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 0 24-Aug-2021
Fields and options, E. (1299). Testing data entry to check field and options. Journal of the imagination. 0 23-Sep-2021
Hitt, N., & Chambers, D. (2014). Temporal changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of fish assemblages downstream from mountaintop mining. Freshwater Science. 2 01-Oct-2021
GREET, J., WEBB, J. A., & DOWNES, B. J. (2011). Flow variability maintains the structure and composition of in-channel riparian vegetation. Freshwater Biology. 1 04-Oct-2021
Shenton, M. D., Nichols, S. J., Bray, J. P., Moulding, B. J. G., & Kefford, B. J. (2021). The Effects of Road De-icing Salts on Water Quality and Macroinvertebrates in Australian Alpine Areas. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1 14-Dec-2021
Soldat, D. J., Petrovic, A. M., & Ketterings, Q. M. (2008). Effect of Soil Phosphorus Levels on Phosphorus Runoff Concentrations from Turfgrass. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 1 20-Jan-2022
Bonneau, J., Fletcher, T. D., Costelloe, J. F., Poelsma, P. J., James, R. B., & Burns, M. J. (2020). The hydrologic, water quality and flow regime performance of a bioretention basin in Melbourne, Australia. Urban Water Journal. 4 21-Jan-2022
Richards, S., Withers, P. J., Paterson, E., McRoberts, C. W., & Stutter, M. (2017). Removal and attenuation of sewage effluent combined tracer signals of phosphorus, caffeine and saccharin in soil. Environmental Pollution. 1 21-Jan-2022
Chapman, K., & Boucher, J. (2020). Phosphorus phytoremediation using selected wetland plants in constructed floating mats. Applied Water Science. 1 31-Jan-2022
Saeed, T., Paul, B., Afrin, R., Al-Muyeed, A., & Sun, G. (2016). Floating constructed wetland for the treatment of polluted river water: A pilot scale study on seasonal variation and shock load. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2 31-Jan-2022
Spangler, J. T., Sample, D. J., Fox, L. J., Albano, J. P., & White, S. A. (2019). Assessing nitrogen and phosphorus removal potential of five plant species in floating treatment wetlands receiving simulated nursery runoff. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2 31-Jan-2022
Tanner, C. C., & Headley, T. R. (2011). Components of floating emergent macrophyte treatment wetlands influencing removal of stormwater pollutants. Ecological Engineering. 3 31-Jan-2022
Müller, A., Österlund, H., Marsalek, J., & Viklander, M. (2020). The pollution conveyed by urban runoff: A review of sources. Science of The Total Environment. 0 16-Feb-2022
Liu, Y., Wang, C., Yu, Y., Chen, Y., Du, L., Qu, X., Peng, W., Zhang, M., & Gui, C. (2019). Effect of Urban Stormwater Road Runoff of Different Land Use Types on an Urban River in Shenzhen, China. Water. 3 16-Feb-2022
Carpenter, D. D., & Kaluvakolanu, P. (2011). Effect of Roof Surface Type on Storm-Water Runoff from Full-Scale Roofs in a Temperate Climate. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 4 16-Feb-2022
Bock, E. M., & Easton, Z. M. (2020). Export of nitrogen and phosphorus from golf courses: A review. Journal of Environmental Management. 0 16-Feb-2022
Toor, G. S., Occhipinti, M. L., Yang, Y., Majcherek, T., Haver, D., & Oki, L. (2017). Managing urban runoff in residential neighborhoods: Nitrogen and phosphorus in lawn irrigation driven runoff. PLOS ONE. 3 16-Feb-2022
Jani, J., Yang, Y., Lusk, M. G., & Toor, G. S. (2020). Composition of nitrogen in urban residential stormwater runoff: Concentrations, loads, and source characterization of nitrate and organic nitrogen. PLOS ONE. 7 01-Mar-2022
Miguntanna, N. P., Goonetilleke, A., Egodowatta, P., & Kokot, S. (2010). Understanding nutrient build-up on urban road surfaces. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 4 01-Mar-2022
Valtanen, M., Sillanpää, N., & Setälä, H. (2014). The Effects of Urbanization on Runoff Pollutant Concentrations, Loadings and Their Seasonal Patterns Under Cold Climate. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 5 02-Mar-2022
Yufen, R., Xiaoke, W., Zhiyun, O., Hua, Z., Xiaonan, D., & Hong, M. (2008). Stormwater Runoff Quality from Different Surfaces in an Urban Catchment in Beijing, China. Water Environment Research. 4 02-Mar-2022
Nidzgorski, D. A., & Hobbie, S. E. (2016). Urban trees reduce nutrient leaching to groundwater. Ecological Applications. 2 02-Mar-2022
Vaze, J., & Chiew, F. H. S. (2003). Study of pollutant washoff from small impervious experimental plots. Water Resources Research. 4 02-Mar-2022
Selbig, W. R. (2016). Evaluation of leaf removal as a means to reduce nutrient concentrations and loads in urban stormwater. Science of The Total Environment. 2 14-Mar-2022
Wei, Z., Simin, L., & Fengbing, T. (2013). Characterization of Urban Runoff Pollution between Dissolved and Particulate Phases. The Scientific World Journal. 3 15-Mar-2022
Erickson, A. J., Gulliver, J. S., & Weiss, P. T. (2012). Capturing phosphates with iron enhanced sand filtration. Water Research. 2 15-Mar-2022
Sansalone, J., Liu, B., & Ying, G. (2010). Volumetric Filtration of Rainfall Runoff. II: Event-Based and Interevent Nutrient Fate. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 1 15-Mar-2022
Berretta, C., & Sansalone, J. (2011). Speciation and Transport of Phosphorus in Source Area Rainfall–Runoff. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 1 15-Mar-2022
Hou, L., Yang, H., & Li, M. (2013). Removal of chemical oxygen demand and dissolved nutrients by a sunken lawn infiltration system during intermittent storm events. Water Science and Technology. 3 15-Mar-2022
Lee, H., Lim, B., Hur, J., Kim, H., & Shin, H. (2021). Combined dual-size foam glass media filtration process with micro-flocculation for simultaneous removal of particulate and dissolved contaminants in urban road runoff. Journal of Environmental Management. 1 15-Mar-2022
Zhou, D., Bi, C., Chen, Z., Yu, Z., Wang, J., & Han, J. (2013). Phosphorus loads from different urban storm runoff sources in southern China: a case study in Wenzhou City. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 3 09-Apr-2022
Thomas, K. E., Lazor, R., Chambers, P. A., & Yates, A. G. (2018). Land-use practices influence nutrient concentrations of southwestern Ontario streams. Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques. 6 09-Apr-2022
Hobbie, S. E., Finlay, J. C., Janke, B. D., Nidzgorski, D. A., Millet, D. B., & Baker, L. A. (2017). Contrasting nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in urban watersheds and implications for managing urban water pollution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 5 09-Apr-2022
Janke, B. D., Finlay, J. C., Hobbie, S. E., Baker, L. A., Sterner, R. W., Nidzgorski, D., & Wilson, B. N. (2013). Contrasting influences of stormflow and baseflow pathways on nitrogen and phosphorus export from an urban watershed. Biogeochemistry. 7 09-Apr-2022
Hou, L., & Zhang, X. (2013). Comparing urban runoff quality of a felt roof and an asphalt road in Beijing. Hydrology Research. 3 09-Apr-2022