Phosphorus phytoremediation using selected wetland plants in constructed floating mats on 31 Jan 2022
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Chapman, K., & Boucher, J.
Phosphorus phytoremediation using selected wetland plants in constructed floating mats
Applied Water Science

Phosphorus (P) overloading in fresh water systems has a detrimental effect by increasing the speed of eutrophication. Phytoremediation is the use of natural plants to remove contaminants from the environment. In the current study, we tested five plants (Pteris vittata, Lemna minor, Rumex orbiculatus, Rumex verticillatus, and Typha × glauca) in the laboratory and field for phosphorus mitigation potential. In the field experiment, both root and shoot phosphorus content were evaluated, and in the laboratory study percent phosphorus removed was calculated. Our research showed in both experiments that T. glauca removed the most phosphorus (p < 0.05). In the field study, shoots of T. glauca removed on average 3.7 g P/plant, while the roots and shoots removed 12.67 g P/plant from water. In the laboratory study, the T. glauca removed 84% of the phosphorus from the water. Rumex verticillatus in both experiments had the next highest phosphorus removal rates (0.46 g P/shoot, 1.93 g P/plant (root + shoot), and 90% removal in the laboratory study). These results show great potential for T. glauca and R. verticillatus in the mitigation of phosphorus from fresh water systems.


Cause Effect Response measure type Habitat Country Modified
Plants (aquatic)
Implementation of wetland plants to fresh water system
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
Reduced phosphorus in water through phosphorus phytoremediation
R-squared - simple linear Lake/pond United States 31-Jan-2022