Combined dual-size foam glass media filtration process with micro-flocculation for simultaneous removal of particulate and dissolved contaminants in urban road runoff on 15 Mar 2022
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Lee, H., Lim, B., Hur, J., Kim, H., & Shin, H.
Combined dual-size foam glass media filtration process with micro-flocculation for simultaneous removal of particulate and dissolved contaminants in urban road runoff
Journal of Environmental Management

In this study, a combined media filtration process with micro-flocculation (CMF) was developed, to simultaneously treat particulate and dissolved contaminants in urban road runoff. Dual-size foam glass media with stone and sand layers were applied and the efficiency of road runoff treatment was investigated according to filtration and micro-flocculation under various experimental conditions (stone/sand layer ratio, linear velocity, and coagulant types). Moreover, the removal efficiencies of suspended solids (SS), phosphorus, organic carbon, and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) by CMF were evaluated. The removal rate of SS was maintained to be above 84.1% for 1 h filtration by the dual-size foam glass, regardless of increasing pressure. The removal of phosphorus by micro-flocculation was more suitable in alum than ferric due to a higher initial floc growth rate and an increased particle size. The performance of the CMF was significantly improved over media filtration only process (MF) in removing both particulate and dissolved contaminants. The removal efficiency of all particulate pollutants by CMF was found to be more than 90%, and notably, the dissolved phosphorus, which was mostly not removed by MF, was also removed by 97.4%. Meanwhile, the backwash efficiency of CMF was half that of MF. Physical removal mechanisms, such as internal diffusion, dominated MF, whereas chemical removal mechanisms, such as adsorption and surface precipitation, dominated CMF. These results show the potential of the CMF process for the treatment of urban road runoff and identify the removal mechanisms of the filtration process that use microflocculation with dual-size foam glass.


Cause Effect Response measure type Habitat Country Modified
Habitat (physical alteration)
Combined media filtration process with micro-flocculation
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Decrease)
The combined process achieved a 97.3% removal efficiency for particulate phosphorus and 97.4% removal efficiency for dissolved phosphorus. This was compared with a media filtration only removal which achieved 71.8% particulate removal efficiency for particulate phosphorus and 25.6% removal efficiency of dissolved phosphorus. By the addition of micro-flocculation, the removal efficiency improved by 25.5% for particulate phosphorus and 71.8% for dissolved phosphorus.
Mean difference Artificial South Korea 17-Mar-2022