The influence of urban density and drainage infrastructure on the concentrations and loads of pollutants in small streams on 04 Oct 2021
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Hatt, B., Fletcher, T. D., & Walsh, C. J.
The influence of urban density and drainage infrastructure on the concentrations and loads of pollutants in small streams
Environmental Management

Effective water quality management of streams in urbanized basins requires identification of the elements of urbanization that contribute most to pollutant concentrations and loads. Drainage connection (the proportion of impervious area directly connected to streams by pipes or lined drains) is proposed as a variable explaining variance in the generally weak relationships between pollutant concentrations and imperviousness. Fifteen small streams draining independent subbasins east of Melbourne, Australia, were sampled for a suite of water quality variables. Geometric mean concentrations of all variables were calculated separately for baseflow and storm events, and these, together with estimates of runoff derived from a rainfall-runoff model, were used to estimate mean annual loads. Patterns of concentrations among the streams were assessed against patterns of imperviousness, drainage connection, unsealed (unpaved) road density, elevation, longitude (all of which were intercorrelated), septic tank density, and basin area. Baseflow and storm event concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), filterable reactive phosphorus (FRP), total phosphorus (TP) and ammonium, along with electrical conductivity (EC), all increased with imperviousness and its correlates. Hierarchical partitioning showed that DOC, EC, FRP, and storm event TP were independently correlated with drainage connection more strongly than could be explained by chance. Neither pH nor total suspended solids concentrations were strongly correlated with any basin variable. Oxidized and total nitrogen concentrations were most strongly explained by septic tank density. Loads of all variables were strongly correlated with imperviousness and connection. Priority should be given to low-impact urban design, which primarily involves reducing drainage connection, to minimize urbanization-related pollutant impacts on streams.


Cause Effect Response measure type Habitat Country Modified
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Urban density, estimated by % imperviousness.
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
Total phosphorus, event flows
Pearson correlation coefficient Stream/river Australia 07-Oct-2020
Land use/land cover - urban (Increase)
Connection of the catchment to the stormwater system, which is enumerated by proximity
Water quality - nutrients (phosphorus) (Increase)
filterable reactive phosphorous in event flows
Pearson correlation coefficient Stream/river Australia 07-Oct-2020